
Breaking Down Barriers: Addressing Unemployability By Enhancing Skills

The problem of unemployability is a significant challenge facing many individuals, particularly in the current economic climate. Unemployability is the state of being unable to secure employment despite having the necessary qualifications, experience, and skills required for the job market. It is a problem that affects individuals across all age groups, qualifications, and backgrounds, and its causes are varied and complex.

One of the primary causes of unemployability is the skills gap – the mismatch between the skills that employers require and the skills that job seekers possess. With the rapid advancement of technology and changes in the job market, the skills required to succeed in the workforce are constantly evolving, leaving many individuals without the necessary skills to secure employment. This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that many individuals are not aware of the skills that are in demand or do not have access to opportunities to enhance their skills.

Importance of skills enhancement as a solution

Skills enhancement is a critical solution to addressing unemployability. The ability to continuously develop and acquire new skills is becoming increasingly important in the job market, and individuals who invest in their skill set are more likely to secure employment and remain competitive in the workforce. Enhancing skills can take many forms, such as attending training programs, pursuing online courses, or obtaining certifications. It is a proactive approach that enables individuals to broaden their knowledge base, acquire new skills and competencies, and increase their employability. Ultimately, skill enhancement is a vital strategy for breaking down barriers to employment and increasing access to opportunities for all.

Understanding the Skills Gap

The skills gap is the mismatch between the skills that employers require and the skills that job seekers possess. It is a significant challenge facing the global workforce and has a substantial impact on employment. The skills gap results in job vacancies that remain unfilled despite high levels of unemployment, leading to a loss of productivity, a decrease in competitiveness, and increased costs for employers. The skills gap is particularly prevalent in industries that require advanced technological skills, such as IT, healthcare, and engineering.

There are several causes for the skills gap. One of the primary causes is the rapid advancement of technology, which has led to a significant shift in the skills required in the job market. This shift has left many individuals with outdated skills, making them unemployable in certain industries. Another cause is the lack of alignment between the education system and the job market. Many educational institutions are not providing students with the necessary skills required in the job market, leading to a mismatch between the skills that job seekers possess and the skills that employers require.

According to a survey by the World Economic Forum, the skills gap is a top concern for businesses across the world, with 54% of companies reporting that they have difficulty finding the right talent to fill open positions. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the skills gap, with many industries, such as healthcare and technology, experiencing an increased demand for skilled workers. It is estimated that by 2030, the skills gap could result in a loss of $11.5 trillion in global economic growth.

The skills gap is a complex problem that requires a multi-faceted approach to solve. Governments, educational institutions, and employers must work together to ensure that individuals have access to the training and education required to develop the necessary skills for the job market. Additionally, individuals must take a proactive approach to enhance their skills through various training programs and certifications to remain competitive in the workforce. Ultimately, bridging the skills gap is critical to ensuring economic growth and increasing opportunities for all. 

ZamZam Foundation is committed to providing free online courses to people in underprivileged communities. Their goal is to bridge the digital divide and provide individuals with the skills they need to succeed in today’s digital world. By offering these courses for free, we hope to remove financial barriers and provide opportunities for individuals who may not have access to traditional education or training programs. 

In-demand skills in the current job market

Identifying relevant skills is an essential step towards enhancing employability and succeeding in the job market. With the rapid advancement of technology and changes in the job market, the skills required for success are constantly evolving, making it necessary for individuals to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. In this section, we will discuss an overview of in-demand skills in the current job market and how to identify skills that match individual career goals and interests.

In-demand skills in the current job market include technical and soft skills. Technical skills are specific abilities related to a particular job, such as programming languages, data analysis, or digital marketing. Soft skills, on the other hand, are interpersonal skills that are transferable across various industries and job roles, such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership. In-demand technical skills vary across industries, with fields such as IT, healthcare, and finance requiring different sets of technical skills. Through our IT Lab project, we aim to empower individuals and communities with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in the modern economy.

To identify relevant skills that match individual career goals and interests, it is essential to conduct research on the job market and the specific industry of interest. One way to do this is to analyze job descriptions for roles that match the individual’s career aspirations and identify the required skills. Another approach is to attend job fairs, networking events, or informational interviews with professionals in the industry to gain insights into the skills required for success. Additionally, online resources such as job search websites and industry-specific forums can provide valuable information on the skills required in a particular field.

Another important factor to consider when identifying relevant skills is the individual’s personal interests and strengths. By leveraging their unique strengths and interests, individuals can develop a competitive advantage in the job market and increase their chances of success. For example, if an individual has a passion for writing and communication, they may consider developing skills in content marketing, copywriting, or public relations.

Advantages of online courses, certifications, and other skill-building activities

Enhancing skills is a critical step towards addressing unemployability and bridging the skills gap. There are several methods for skill enhancement, including online courses, certifications, internships, apprenticeships, and volunteering. In this section, we will discuss the advantages of online courses, certifications, and other skill-building activities, as well as real-life examples of individuals who have enhanced their skills and overcome employability barriers.

Online courses and certifications are becoming increasingly popular among job seekers due to their flexibility, accessibility, and affordability. Online courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, and from the comfort of their own homes. They also offer a wide range of topics and skill levels, from beginner to advanced, to meet the diverse needs of learners. Certifications provide proof of competency in a particular skill or area of expertise, making job seekers more attractive to employers. Additionally, online courses and certifications can be completed while working or raising a family, making it possible for individuals to develop new skills without having to sacrifice their current responsibilities.

Addressing the Barriers

By overcoming these barriers, individuals can enhance their skills and increase their employability, which can help them achieve their career goals. Here are some examples of the barriers that individuals face in accessing skill-building opportunities:


  1. Cost of traditional education programs and certification courses
  2. Lack of time due to work or family responsibilities
  3. Lack of awareness or information about available skill-building opportunities

Possible solutions:

  1. Seek out scholarships, grants, or other funding opportunities to cover the cost of education and training programs
  2. Look for flexible training options, such as online courses or part-time programs, that can be completed on your own schedule
  3. Consider seeking out training opportunities that are relevant to your current job to develop new skills while fulfilling work responsibilities
  4. Consult with career counselors or coaches who can provide information and resources on available training programs
  5. Conduct your research and stay up-to-date on new training programs and opportunities

In conclusion, the issue of unemployability is a significant challenge for individuals who are looking to succeed in today’s job market. However, by identifying the skills gap, enhancing their skills, and addressing the barriers that limit access to skill-building opportunities, individuals can take proactive steps towards overcoming employability barriers and achieving their career goals. With the rise of online courses, certifications, and other skill-building activities, there are more opportunities than ever for individuals to develop the skills that are in demand in the current job market.

Therefore, we encourage individuals to take the initiative and explore available skill-building opportunities. By investing in themselves and enhancing their skills, individuals can increase their chances of finding meaningful employment and achieving long-term career success. We urge individuals to seek out the advice of career counselors, research training programs, and look for funding opportunities to overcome the barriers to skill-building. By taking these steps, individuals can break down the barriers that limit their employability and create a brighter future for themselves.

To learn more about the free online courses offered by the ZamZam Foundation tech labs, visit our website or contact us at info@zamzam180.org.
