
Providing secure places for Prayer

The Cause

Previously, residents were forced to pray outdoors, improvising with makeshift sheets for shelter. However, through your generous contributions, we have successfully completed the following projects, alleviating this hardship for local communities:

Project 1: Masjid Roohani

We collected 11k to construct a 4-wall structure with a roof and floor on donated land, providing locals with access to a proper prayer space.

Project 2: Masjid Faseeh

Benefiting five neighborhoods of Muslims, this masjid, built in 1984, underwent complete renovation, including a new structure. Previously falling apart, it now serves as a stable and welcoming place for worship.

Additionally, we are proud to support Imam Sultan Diuda’s efforts in Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines, where he is building a masjid and madrasa in a suburb hit by tornadoes and hurricanes. Seven villages and neighboring suburbs also require support to build and renovate masjids, madrasas, and orphanage centers. With your continuous support, we aim to rebuild and thrive, accomplishing goals such as updating exterior walls and roofing, fixing interior structures, and constructing necessary facilities for twenty-plus masjids, madrasas, and orphan centers.

Your contributions have made a lasting impact on the ummah, improving access to essential prayer facilities and educational institutions for communities in need.

Our Accomplishments

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$9,219 of $30,000 raised
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Donation Total: $100